Animal Rescue Center in Philippines

Rescue Center Principles
Rescuing stray animals or animals that somehow are in need of assistance is our core business you could say.
Of course, we respond to calls for help, often from visiting tourists, as much as we can and we will do our utmost to ensure their safety and health.
However, there is a general misconception that an animal rescue will take on any animal that is given to it. Only too often do we get called in by people that no longer want to take their responsibility for an animal that they have in their care. While in exceptional cases this may be true, only too often the person in question is looking to dump the animal. Sadly, this must be strongly discouraged.
How to be a responsible owner
Keep your animals inside your house or compound and do not let them roam
Spay or neuter your pets (very often this is -almost- free at your city or provincial veterinarian)
Vaccinate yearly and deworm every 6 months to prevent spread of disease