When Habibi arrived, she looked a real mess, without fur and her skin affected severely. She turned into one of the friendliest, playful and social dogs that we have. Her small stature is compensated by her friendly and active nature. Her best friend is Mocca, with whom she’s always playing.

Habibi came from Boracay Island, which is one of the main tourist spots in the Philippines. Sadly, years of neglect had rendered the island into an unmanageable mess with no infrastructure to back up the endless flow of incoming tourists. Therefore the government decided early 2018 that the island had to be closed to tourists for 6 months to start a cleanup program. This in turn led to many Filipino workers returning to their home islands, leaving any animals that they were feeding behind. Many of these unfortunate animals ended up in the infamous Boracay dog pound, where they are euthanised after a few days. AARRC took in over 50 of these poor souls, rescuing their lives.

How you can help me?

Sponsorship / Adoption Form for Habibi

Fill the next form with your contact details and we will contact you to provide all the details about the sponsorship / adoption process.